Active Release Techniques

Do you have an untreated or unresolved soft tissue injury?

It can be hard to get over, and maybe you've had it for years. Most therapies can be ineffective. However, good recent research has led to breakthroughs in this type of injury. 

Active Release Techniques (A.R.T.) is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.

This video explains how qualified therapists use A.R.T to find and treat problems with their hands.

Whether you are a professional athlete, just a weekend warrior (moderately active person), or more of a sedentary person with bad ergonomics (posture), A.R.T. will keep your body free of any soft tissue restrictions and moving properly.
— Dr. Eric Wolk

Our staff member Dr. Eric Wolk can help treat a variety of aches and pains. Dr. Wolk is full body certified in A.R.T. and has seen firsthand results repeatedly. He states, "A.R.T. is suited for the athlete in all of us. Whether you are a professional athlete, just a weekend warrior (moderately active person), or more of a sedentary person with bad ergonomics (posture), A.R.T. will keep your body free of any soft tissue restrictions and moving properly."

A.R.T. may require a bit of discomfort on the patient's part, but these patient testimonials prove that the pain is worth the gain:

  • "That hurt! But I've never felt better afterward."
  • "A.R.T. is not for the faint of heart. People in pain or want to maintain function need this but need to also know that it can be very uncomfortable. The results are worth it though!" 

Don't lose any more time at work or in pain. Reach out for an appointment today.