Protect Yourself By Filing a Workers' Comp Claim

Should I file a Worker's Compensation Claim? Why can't I bill my private insurance?

We hear these questions all the time.

Answer: Yes, if you have been hurt at work, it is often in your best interest to file a workers' compensation claim. Here's why:

  • If you do not file a claim and are required to miss work due to the extent of your injuries or to see a doctor, your absence may be unexcused or unpaid for.
  • Your private insurance will not cover injuries that appear to be work related.
  • If you change jobs, a new insurance carrier may not cover problems that appear to be pre-existing. A workers' compensation claim will remain open, however, even if you change jobs.
  • If you have a legitimate work related injury you will not be responsible for any costs, deductibles or co-pays with your Workers' Comp benefit.
  • If you need to miss time from work due to your injury, the Ohio BWC may compensate you for your lost salary.

The laws regarding Workers' Compensation are designed to protect you in the case of an on the job injury. Questions? Learn more and request and appointment if you are injured.